by Julianna Moreno, Texas State University , '15
One thing that has amazed me about college is how much we gain and learn in a tiny span of time. As I read back at my old blogs, it seems as if I wrote it years ago. A LOT has changed in two months! First of all, my faith in god has grown stronger now that I’m in...
by Minh Ngoc Nguyen-Ngo, Yale University , '15
Regular decision date for most colleges is just around the corner. There’s not a lot of advice I can give about what to do during this awful wait (just relax and remember to breathe), so I’ll talk a bit about what to do after the decision date. If...
by Lauren A. Mayo, University of Georgia, '15
College is not high school. You can do a million things in high school but it is important to not stretch yourself thin in college. This is advice I received going into my first year of college. I managed to maintain balance well my first semester but second semester...