Khalil Johnson

The Two Most Important Things

The two most important things that will happen in your career are finding your passion, and finding an already accomplished figure in your field to shape your career after. I remember when I found my passion. I quietly sat in the back of an overpriced taxi when my...

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You're Legend

What makes super heroes so interesting to us? Is it their laser beams, flying ability, or super strength? Maybe we are fascinated by their gadgets instead, or their chiseled heroic physique. We are captivated by neither of those things. Instead, it is there journey to...

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The Guide to the Galaxy

I used to think written up in the stars somewhere was my guide to the galaxy--the galaxy being college that is. Somewhere between the twinkling constellations was an ancient treasure map that held all of the answers to my questions about being a first generation...

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Did I do enough this summer?

I sit in class listening, or not listening to my math teacher ramble on about mean, median, and mode and how statistical math is all around us. Then a cold chill rolls down my spine and I gasp as a cruel realization grabs hold of my attention. Did I do enough this...

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Being A First Gen and African American in College

I thought that my problems stopped with only being a first generation student, but this semester It's been a little more difficult for me because of other factors. I often forget that I’m black. I don’t do it on purpose; it’s just a product of the environment I live...

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My Panama Trip

Here I am, almost finished with my first year of college as a first generation student and I am shocked with what I have accomplished. Last year I took a course called Power and Politics in America--a class full of seniors--and at the end of the course my professor...

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My Second Semester in College

Here I am once again on my flight back to school to begin my second semester in college and continue to represent my family. I just had the best Christmas break in the world. I was surrounded by the love of my life, and my loving family for 24/7 and I realized them...

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Embrace the Challenge

I touch down on Campus, the first to ever do that in my family, and the first thing I feel is gut wrenching fear that almost doubles me over. My mom, dad and sister set up my dorm while I watched reminiscing over all the times they each had set up a room for me in...

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