Ah, yes. The time has come for summer break when we all return home and have an actual break from the hustle and bustle of college life.

Although this is a time of relaxation and psyching ourselves up for the fall, I think this should also serve as an opportunity to save up some money with a summer job or start that internship you applied for and got accepted to. 

Of course, when it comes to this extended break, take some moments to reflect on the past year and all the challenges you faced and overcame during the school year. Reflecting on these moments gives you a sense of closure and accomplishment as you prepare for the next chapter of your life. Whether you’re a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, each year of college that you have completed is a milestone worth acknowledging. Make sure to take the time to celebrate your academic achievements as well!

Another area to reflect on is your personal growth through the years of undergrad. You may have become more independent, learned to manage your time better, or discovered new passions, hobbies, and interests. Your personal development is just as important as your academic progress.

Even those you have met in college can have a lasting impact on your life. Reflect on the friendships you’ve made, the mentors who have guided you thus far, and the professors and advisors you have connected with during the school year(s). The connections you make in college enrich your experience and provide a support system that can last a lifetime.

With another year of college down, it’s time to look ahead. What are your goals for the next academic (or professional) year? How can you build upon the foundations you’ve created this year? Whether those goals are aiming for higher grades, getting involved in new activities on campus, or preparing for more internships or the workforce, setting goals can help you stay motivated and focused.

The upcoming year will bring its own set of challenges and opportunities. Embrace them with the same resilience that got you through this year. Every obstacle you face and overcome will make you stronger and more prepared for the future.

Remember to take care of yourselves, both mentally and physically! Balancing academics, social life, and personal well-being can be challenging. Make time for the activities and hobbies you enjoy, practice self-care, and seek support when needed. A healthy mind and body are essential to success in college and beyond.

Finally, some of us may be graduating (!! Congratulations to you all, I know you’ll do amazing things!), others finished their junior or sophomore year, while others are just finishing their first year in university. Regardless of where you are in your college education, I’m proud of you. You did it! Pat yourself on the back for a great job, and enjoy your break. You earned it.

I’ll see you all next semester during my final semester of undergrad!

-Toni <3