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Congratulations! You made it through this semester of college! I want to remind you that you are doing a great job in your academic journey. Whether your grades did or did not turn out the way you wished you persevered. We all can agree sometimes we can fall short in a couple of areas of academia and hope to have done better. While it is easier to focus on the difficult and negative moments of this semester, you had many great moments too! It may seem small and worthless, but do not minimize it because small touchdowns still count! With the semester coming to an end for many of us, take this time to invest in yourself by prioritizing self-care. What does this look like? Self-care can look different for a lot of us. For example, you could take a daily walk outside in the beautiful weather or go have a cup of coffee with a friend. Do the things you love! As we enter summer break, take this opportunity to fill up your cup! Remember when you were really wanting to do something but could not because of an assignment, lecture, or some sort of school-related thing? Now is the time to do it! Maybe some of you reading this are taking a couple of summer courses… that is totally okay! You still have the advantage to do things and having much-needed breaks in your studies. You do not have to worry about the grades you made this semester because worrying about it will not change a thing. If you did great, keep it up! If you didn’t do so great, you have the opportunity to potentially grow in that area! It is officially summertime, take a step back and breathe. Relax. Spend quality time with the people you love and the things you love to do. You deserve it!