The summer break is a wonderful time for college students. It arrives just before you have a total breakdown, and then it’s homeward bound to lounge the days away, watch the telly until you’re blue in the face, and see all of those old high school friends you miss so dearly. It all seems like the ideal life until, about two weeks into the break, you begin to realize that you miss your college town. You miss your warm college bed, your great college friends, and, perhaps to your shock, you miss your college classes. If you’re a freshman, you may question whether or not you are in your right mind? Trust me, if you begin to miss class and writing papers during the summer, you are destined to be a scholar. College has a weird way of working itself into your being. You hate it, hate it, hate it, but go without it for a little while and you start to yearn for a nice Spring day and a warm walk in the sun to discuss English literature. If you find yourself in this situation come summertime, by all means, rejoice! It’s a sign that you are probably going to do well when you return in the Fall. In the meantime, though, what to do? Well, many students spend their summer breaks working or interning somewhere. I have worked during the last two previous breaks, and it’s a great way to get some experience while also saving up for the upcoming ramen-noodle filled semester. Another great joy that I get out of my summer breaks, though, is reading. As an English major, I just about get my fill of reading during the school year. However, during the Summer, my love for reading grows. This is because I finally get to read what I want to. It’s like going on a no sugar diet for months at a time, and then allowing yourself to fill up on sugary snacks for two months. All the “junk” I don’t get to read in my classes, I can read during the Summer. So, my advice for summer breaks is to find something that relates to your major, but that will help you relax and increase your passion for your studies.