As a first generation college student I was worried when I first came to BU because, having no one to fall back on, I did not know what to expect! What I gradually realized is that college is great! Yes, the classes are tough, and only get harder as you go, but who doesn’t like a challenge?

Aside from classes, the college community is amazing; once you become involved in anything on campus you quickly realize how interconnected college communities really are! As a Dean’s Host for my school not only do I meet tons of new people every day, but I also am introduced to several other departments within Boston University, and in this economy establishing connections is very beneficial!

Another thing I love about college is the huge access to a multitude of resources! Whether you are interested in picking a major or finding an internship, colleges have many resources tailored to your needs. Just today the Center for Career Development held a Career Expo, geared towards helping students find internships and jobs in the Boston area. Although colleges have a plethora of resources, they are not going to come to you! You have to take the decisive action to go look and find out more about them, but once you become involved within the college community this becomes much easier!

One thing that I do not particularly love about college but consider to be more of a trade-off is the cost! Yes college is expensive, but the value of a good education is priceless! Although the thought of student loans may be scary, there are plenty of actions you can take to help lower the cost of your college education

  • First, looking for and applying to scholarships is a great way to get extra money towards your college tuition.
  • Second, getting acquainted with your financial aid officer is also a good way to lower your college expenses. If you explain your economic situation, your financial aid officer may be able to find additional resources for you!
  • Lastly, working for the university is another way to dramatically decrease the cost of your education! In my case, I am applying to become a Resident Assistant, which means I would be working with the residence halls and serving as the first line of defense between students and residence hall administrators. I would also serve as a resource for students who want to know more information about anything in the university!

Overall, college is expensive, but the experience makes it worthwhile!