
I am back to write another blog which will be about my new year resolutions. Can’t believe that we are in 2025. With this new year, I thought it would be fun to share my upcoming goals and aspirations. 

The first one is about looking after my mental and physical health. Sometimes in college, you can get so caught up in school work and personal lives that sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves. I myself have done this in the past. However, this year I have made it a goal to start going to the gym and making better decisions about what I eat. I had never gone to the gym before to workout, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone. To be honest, I was very nervous to go to the school gym. But I asked one of my close friends if she could help me go to the gym to teach me and keep me accountable. I have only been going to the gym for the past 4 weeks, and I am very proud of myself for the progress I have made. The nervousness I felt going to the gym is now gone, as I genuinely enjoy going, and I hope to see more progress as time goes by. I decided to start going to the gym because I thought it would be a good combination of mental and physical health. A lot of the exercises that we do in the gym sometimes make me feel like I can’t do something or lift a certain weight. But as time goes by and I get more comfortable, it seems that I have improved and have gained more confidence in myself. 

To add to the mental health aspect of my goal, I have also started to grow in my spiritual life. In the mornings, I like to do some self-reflection and journaling, along with adding spiritual aspects as well. In the long run, I strongly believe that this goal will help me because I’ve already felt a lot more strength physically and mentally, than I had a month ago. I have been able to gain more confidence in myself and have done something that I never thought I would be able to do at the beginning of the school year. 

Along with my personal goals, I also want to improve my academics. I plan to do so by planning my schedule better to procrastinate less and finding better ways to study to improve my grades. For this school year, I bought an agenda to keep track of upcoming assignments and tests. This will help me be more prepared and ready for the school year. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for both me and you! 

See you next time!