Freshman Year is finally over, it’s time to celebrate all summer long! Before I get to relax all summer, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on all the great things that have happened in my first year. Although there were some really hard times socially financially and academically this year, there were enough awesome memories to balance out the lows. This will be my Top 10 Memories of the year list:
1. Making straight A’s my first semester at UF
2. Being inducted into the Golden Key National Honor Society
3. Getting my first part time nanny job
4. Going to the free Childish Gambino concert at Flavet Field
5. Signing my first apartment lease
6. Buying my first car
7. Buying my second car because I totaled the first one
8. Having girl’s nights with my roommates Summer B
9. Passing Statistics even though I thought I would fail
10. Being done with my first year