When it comes to finances, I believe I can speak on behalf of the majority of college students when I say the term ¨broke college student¨ is no joke. However, from my perspective, there are ways to combat getting stuck in sticky financial situations if you pay attention to everything you purchase rather than mindlessly swipe your debit card. However, it is sometimes difficult to do so when social opportunities constantly pop up in the form of “lets get lunch” or “we’re going out tonight if you want to come.” Granted, you are totally deserving of a nice lunch or fun night out, but make sure you monitor your spending and check your bank account because these things do add up! My biggest piece of advice to every college student is to give yourself a limit as far as the lowest amount of money you will allow in your bank account. For example, I refuse to allow the amount in my checking account to drop below $300 as a way to make sure that if some sort of emergency or last minute expense popped up I can cover myself rather than stressfully hunt for fallen change between the couch cushions. As I start nearing my limit is when I begin to turn down going out and instead recommend nights in. It is much cheaper, and I doubt a friend would protest saving a couple bucks. Some ways to have fun while saving money include packing a lunch and going to a park, cooking together if a kitchen is available, or simply exploring whatever town you are in.