cynthia-85As the New Year approaches the world, many are celebrating with family, friends, religious organizations or their cat, Leonard Yams.

One thing is for sure, right after that party or sentimental moment ends, one must get down to business making goals for the New Year!

Any attempt to compile a list of goals for 365 long, hard days could result in dissatisfaction. But here I go anywayyyyyy…..

1. Go for your dreams.. Even if you’re physically alone:

• It’s okay to do it alone: I’ve done practically everything on this college journey physically by myself. I met every challenge physically by myself. I did well physically by myself. I experienced everything Bloomington, Illinois, has to offer completely and utterly alone and I enjoyed it. Why? Because I was proud of myself for doing everything on my own. For getting the guts to venture to different places. Of course, I’ve gotten lost, freaked out, and cried, but following your dreams may mean you are physically alone but any time you look back you’ll see the faces of everyone who believe in you!!  

2. Understand that family doesn’t always “know best:”

• Of course your family will always love and support you, but sometimes, they just don’t get you. Trust me, it’s nobody’s fault. But I know it’s like a punch in the face when expressing what you want to do in life or even who you are is brushed off. Naturally, it can be taken as a huge setback. But please, understand that your family is what created you, shaped you, and equipped you with essential materials to build a world as you see fit. They don’t define you.

3. Make a bucket list:

• Keep it somewhere where you can see it every day. [Perhaps the fridge] Let that piece of paper haunt your every move. Let it serve as a daily reminder that you have goals and ambitions that need to be met; because eventually you’re going to get so flustered at yourself for not completing your list that it just might set that car into gear. It worked for me. I’m blogging from a dorm hours away from my cat.

4. Love:

• Despite whatever hardships you’ve encountered, love. Love for a second, love for a minute, and love for the rest of your life. Love your family. Love your talents. Love your ambitions. Love your drive, motivation and determination. Love your culture. Love your background. Love your ability to make decisions. Most importantly, Love yourself, – because there isn’t anyone who can do a better job at being you than you!!

Most importantly, believe in yourself. Believe in yourself to the very end, because if you can’t believe in you, then you’ve already lost half the battle.