Ahhhh the fall… A wonderful time of year, unless you happen to be a high school senior going on countless college tours and pulling your hair out as you begin each new college application. But fear not! Although application season is in full gear, you have to remember to relax. Making sure your applications are flawless is important, but so is enjoying your senior year. These are the final dances, football games, and events you are going to be going to with the people you have grown up with and it is important to enjoy it while you still can. College is just around the corner and before you know it you’ll be saying your goodbyes until Thanksgiving. However, if you are having difficulties expressing who you are within your personal statement do not be afraid to ask for help. Teachers and counselors are both available to assist you with these sort of problems. Do not be afraid to look outside the classroom for help as well! A very valuable resource that I found useful was speaking to past graduates or even the older siblings of friends who already went through this difficult process. Since applications were something that haunted them as well not too long ago, they were a very valuable tool. If you still feel like you have nobody to reach out to remember that the first generation college students blogging, such as myself, would be more than happy to help answer any questions you may have!

As I said before though, RELAX! Oh, and good luck!
