Hi Everyone,

I apologize for not blogging sooner but as my title implies, the college struggle is real! In October I was definitely riding the struggle bus! Throughout the course of the last week and a half of October, I had three exams, one essay due, a Practice LSAT exam and an alumni event to attend for Political Science Majors. Completing all these tasks while balancing my position as an RA is even more challenging!

And yet, I made it! Despite how scary the month of October was, I managed to pull through! And so I wanted to emphasize a few things that really make a difference when balancing 9 million things on your plate.

Organization: Use calendars, use alarms and write lists. All of these simple tools make a huge impact on pushing you to get things done!

Motivation: Although this factor is something that varies depending on your personality, I write SMART Goals to help me achieve my desired goals!

 S: Specific, target your goal to a specific area.

M: Measurable, suggest your progression towards this goal.

A: Attainable, is your goal possible?

R: Relevant, is your goal realistic?

T: Time-Bound, by when can you achieve your goal?

Relaxation: As college students we are always under a ton of stress. Therefore it’s extremely important make time for yourself! Go to the gym, take a nap, meet up with friends you haven’t seen in a while and so on!

I hope these tips are as useful to you all as they are to me!

