tereza-85Summer is over and I am now in my 2nd year at Augsburg College. My summer was pretty fun, but mostly relaxing. I mainly worked and spent time with my son Cristian. It was nice to have a break for a bit without the stress of homework (which I assume that most of you also enjoy).

So far my 2nd year is going pretty well. It makes me feel good to know that I already have one year done and behind me. This term most of the classes that I am taking require a lot of reading. I am a pretty slow reader so I always dread when I have to do a fairly large chunk of reading for my 4 classes.

What I have learned to help me out is to not sit down and try to read all 150 pages at once. From my experience and from what I have heard from my other classmates, if you try to do a large amount of reading in one sitting, towards the end, you are not able to pay as close attention as you were in the beginning. You may begin to get tired and bored, and it puts a strain on your eyes.

However, if you break it up into smaller sections and read for hour increments, you will not lose focus and will still be able to take in and retain the information. There have been many times where I will read a page (or few), then I stop and try and think back and realize that I have no idea what I just read. I then have to go back and re-read what I did not take in. This becomes very time consuming and at times irritating. This process is what works for me and as you go through college you will learn what works for you when it comes to getting your homework done and studying.