One of the best things about spring break in a small college in the middle of nowhere: no one on campus. No one to catch us in our bouts of ridiculousness. My friends clim
bed up a tree, and while I was panicking, our college’s president walked outside her house to enjoy the evening. They casually shout greetings and the president calmly waves while I was STILL trying to find ways to convince them to come down. (I’m scared of heights, okay?) Lesson learned: you can bribe just about anyone with food. My wallet was much lighter afterward, however…
Then there was bike riding! I borrowed a bike from the Outing Club and went on the trails. Must I say any more? School in the middle of nowhere? Gorgeous weather? A BIRD SANCTUARY? And no noisy groups of people. Just look at my pictures. You can’t see that stuff in the city.
I was sad Spring Break ended. One reason: my face. I was going downhill on a bike and looking for potholes to dodge. I took off my sunglasses to see better. Five seconds later, BAM, bug flies into my eye, I’m blinded. I hit the curb, scrape my shoulder, face and hands. I will spare you THAT picture. My friend actually took one while I forced her to clean the wound on my face for me. I only act tough. I’m scared of pain. If it was up to me the wound would be infected. She was cleaning it with alcohol wipes and I proudly say: I did not cry.
And the reason I dreaded people coming back was because people stopped saying hi. Instead, I got: “Your face!” “What happened?” “Who do I need to kill?” “Did you lose a fight?” And my favorite: “WHOA!” At some point, my friend convinced me to say, “I got attacked by a bear. You think this is bad? You should see the bear. It’s a rug now.” You’d be surprised at all the “REALLY?!!?”s I got.
There’s a picture of the horse I’ve been riding recently! It was the best out of many because he kept trying to get a close-up.