longd-85When I got to Williams College I was bombarded with opportunities. The second I got to Williams I noticed the insane numbers of posters advertising about activities to do and events to attend.  All sorts of clubs that I’ve never seen or heard of before were recruiting, like the Williams College Ultimate Frisbee club, or the Glassblowing club (who would have thought right?!). There were also so many different events, gatherings, and even a few concerts.  This was an entirely different setting than at my high school.

My school had a limited amount of resources, which meant our options were scarce, which is why I made the mistake of joining too many clubs. I signed up for eight or so clubs and committees. I will probably drop a few of them though, because even though there are so many things to do on campus I don’t want to spread myself too thin.  Time management is a key to survive in college, and eventually I hope to master this skill.  For now, I’m am just enjoying the opportunities that college is presenting to me, while at the same time trying to stay on top of my classes. This task is quite daunting, but I have four amazing years to enjoy the wonders of higher education.