It’s 2016, which means a new year and a fresh start for improvement, and lovely great experiences! Every day is another new moment in which you can start something you’ve never done before, or progress in a project you desire to accomplish. Don’t let frustration, negative attitudes or grumpy people bring you down this year, bring that smile on and get to it! This upcoming year I am setting four goals for myself, and developing a plan for each one of them. My reason on setting goals is because I want to see that I actually accomplished something I said I was going to do, which only benefits my character. The character I want to build is to be strong, determined and motivated in every idea I set my mind to do. So, I have below four resolutions for myself and hopefully you can relate or build something off of them.

1. Get Good Grades

I know, this is a common one, but let’s face it, it’s hard to do as well. My plan on attacking this is simple: organize. First week of school is crucial, this is where you get your syllabus, textbooks, meet your classmates, and most importantly, your professor. Start writing down exams, projects, assignments in your planner/calendar, set a study schedule, form a study group, and also set some alone time! Every student is different, but remember organize your time and priorities.

2.  Lead the Way to Success

Recently, I got elected to become Vice President of one my engineering clubs I’m involved in. My goal for this year is to be a great leader for my fellow members and executive board. I’m still learning the ins and outs of what it means to be on an executive board, but I am hoping to have more of my members in involved and to have the club united. As soon I get back, it’s all about getting feedback and learning from our mistakes. The only way to lead to success, is by understanding our faults and getting through them as well as listening to everyone’s ideas.

3. Better Oneself

In terms of thriving, I mean in not only academically, but professionally. As each semester goes by, I take a closer look on what to do in my career. Come into every room with an open-mind, you might leave with an amazing gift. This year I hope to learn something new: either a language, a skill, a culture, etc. Most importantly, something that can help me understand more about myself and what I want to do in my future. I for sure want to be involved in undergraduate research, only because it will help me discover more on whether or not I do want to pursue a Ph.D.

4. Travel

Going back a bit, my main reason on keeping good grades is for my dream: to study abroad in Spain, and this is where my number 4 resolution comes to play. Traveling opens your eyes to new cultures and ideas. You gain more of an independency and leadership role only because you’re in an environment you are not used to. Travel thousand of miles, hundreds, or even somewhere close but different, like a new coffee shop. It’s all about daring yourself to try new things!

So there you have it, four general goals that I want to achieve. Yet of course, I do have specific small goals in each category, but it will be too long to list! I hope this year treats you well and that you discover more about yourself. Of course there’s going to be obstacles along the way, but no goal will be worth it without a little difficulty.