Coming into college, I had no idea what to expect. I did not know that being an Economics and Statistics concentrator will lead me to have a great friendship with my friend. This major will help me have a friend to share the same accomplishments, moments of stress, and even a study abroad partner. In college, I found such amazing friends that made campus feel like home, especially since I am an out-of-state student. I have many friends who are from Chicago, which is great to know in that I will be able to see them even after college. I also have friends who are from different states from all ends of the US–from New York to California–and of course, I have friends from where my college is located, which is Minnesota. Even though my friends and I don’t have the same major, we are all striving for the same future. At the end of the day, we are all stressing out, crying, and celebrating together that we made it to college and have to get to the finish line. Living together on campus also made me feel like I was in the TV show “F.R.I.E.N.D.S.” We created so many memories together, from baking and cooking together to getting dinner, studying together in a classroom, or going to each other’s rooms and watching a movie together. Even though we are all away from our families, we created one together, which is why I usually don’t feel homesick. My friends are one of the reasons why I get excited to go back to campus.