Ja’Vangeline in Waterloo, IA

Hi, my name is JaVangeline, and I am on track to earn my Associate’s degree in nursing in 3 years. I am the youngest child to a single parent, who has a chronic illness. I will also be the first college student in my entire family. I was raised by a wonderful woman who didn’t always have a wonderful life. My mother was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis when I was just 9 years old, but she didn’t let that stop her from wanting to raise a smart and successful woman. My mother has no contact with my father, as he cut ties with her the moment she became pregnant with me. Life wasn’t easy for us but we never wanted for anything as she always made a way to keep food on the table, clothes on our back, and at school on time. Unfortunately, in 2018, her battle with Lupus took a turn for the worse and she had no other option besides dialysis. It was when my mom was in and out of the hospital that I realized that nursing was my true calling and decided to act on it. When I was just 16 years old, I earned my Certified Nursing Assistant Certificate through Hawkeye Community College. I also just finished Hawkeye Community College Emergency Medical Technician program and am currently waiting to test out. I believe I belong in this field not only because of my background of caring for mom from time to time when she is ill but also my desire to protect and advocate for my residents and future patients and be there for them in the hardest moments of their life. As a result of me missing school from time to time because of my mom’s illness, I did not do well in high school the first 2 years, but I have done a tremendous job with all of my college classes. When I finish my senior year of high school, I will be one semester away from my associate’s and arts degree. I am committed to becoming a wonderful nurse despite my circumstances and I have plans to make my dream become my reality.


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November 30, 2021