I’ve made it through another semester of college – one more and I’ll be halfway done! This all still feels a bit unreal. In just a little over two short years, I’ll be venturing out into a world most call reality. I’ll leave this fantasy of classes, dorm life, and a meal plan to step into a world of responsibility, independence, and individuality. BUT I’m here now; I’m a sophomore in college still trying to find my way to realizing my dreams and aspirations.

I am enjoying where I am in life and I’m learning how important that is to living. I’m finding that we often get so caught up in our dreams and goals that we forget to enjoy or even take advantage of where we are – who we are – now. As a high school senior, I was so focused on going to my dream school that I didn’t have the senior year that every student looks forward to – from senior prom to senior skip-day (I still don’t even know when this happened). I may have gotten into some of the top schools in the country, but what did I miss out on? What moments did I take for granted that will never come again?

I’m proud of my effort, dedication, and determination to succeed and be where I am now, but I know now that I could have – would have – been just as successful if I had enjoyed just a few more moments along the way. Just a couple days ago my mother said something to me that was so profound: “It’s not as much about reaching ‘success’ as it is about each accomplishment along the way.” It’s so true. Learn to embrace and cherish the little things that you do and the little opportunities that you are afforded along your journey. Even as you strive to be a first generation student – as great a challenge that is – treasure your travel, relish where you are.