There is nothing that compares to having the opportunity to do what you love. I love attending the University of Houston because I am being challenged as a student. I knew from the beginning that college would not come easy. That very aspect of being challenged has taught me different things about my character. I would not say that I have changed drastically since I have been in school, but I have certainly have learned more about how to deal with adversity.

Even before I started attending the University of Houston, I came across some hurtles. Not only was I the first to attend college in my family, I was also an Undocumented student. College really taught me how to really own this obstacle that many student face, and it has taught me to be an advocate for myself. At first attending a large university at zero cost seemed unattainable or out of this world. I knew that as an undocumented student, I did not qualify for Federal aid or FASFA. The University of Houston seemed like a perfect fit at first. I had the grades, it was close to home, and it offered the degree program that I was interested in.

Then half way into my senior year, I realized that someone had to pay for school. I knew it would be challenging for my parents. I was fortunate to have counselors who were knowledgeable on how to help students in my situation. I began the process of filling out the TASFA application. This was Not a federal aid program, rather it is a Texas Aid program. I was also fortunate to be a recipient of an extremely helpful scholarship. The Dream US scholarship program focuses on offering scholarship aid to undocumented students who have DACA. DACA is a work permit that allows undocumented people to work legally in the United states. The University of Houston was a partner college with the Dream US scholarship program. There are many other schools around the United States that are a part of this scholarship program. ( )

If you are a student in the same situation. The first thing I want you to know is that you are not alone. Second, you need to take ownership of this situation and apply to programs such as the Dream US. My last tip, is one I have shared with you guys before, is to actually visit the school which you will attend and see if they offer aid based on your grades while in school.