seanna-85                Last week in Neuropsychology, my professor was explaining the short and long term effects of stress on the body.  The hypo-something interacts with the adrenal-something-else and cortisol a.k.a the stress hormone, is released in the body.  Short-term, stress can help you get through the all-night cramming session with that test you procrastinated for…it’ll help you finish that 5-mile marathon run that involved a mildly twisted ankle at the 2-mile mark…heck, it may even get you through final week four papers, two tests, and one final project later.  HOWEVER, after that test…after that run…and after final week, the prolonged influence of stress will often lead to a temporary immune system collapse, maybe a little bulge build-up, and most definitely, a bout of over-exhaustion. 

                In conclusion…STRESS is not good for the body, and yet, college students find themselves routinely anxious, running from one class to the next activity, squeezing in food and showers when time allows it…FORGETTING repeatedly to take that “me-time” for recuperation. 

                Enter…the planner…a well-structured, pre-organized, time-charted, life-saving strategy for stress management.  Sophomore year, I’ve been able to pull my planner from my bag more often than a stick of gum or lip gloss.  My fingerprints are permanently engraved on the front cover, but it has helped immensely with my ability to look at my entire week, prioritize to-do tasks, and SCHEDULE IN relaxation/party/”me” time.  Every year of college involves a new onslaught of activities and obligations that’ll fill the time.  Hopefully, you’ll enjoy them, even including the class assignments and study groups with friends.  This year, I’ve found myself learning to say “no” to some things…over-commitment is a sworn enemy of balance. 

                This week alone, I have a mid-term on Tuesday, commentary due on Thursday, four meetings, gym time, 16 hours of classes, two seminars to attend, over 300 pages of reading, and preparation/study time for next week.  But guess what I’ll be doing from 10-11:30 PM three nights this week?  I’m open to suggestions, but they can’t include ANYTHING that takes focus away from me taking time for myself.