
There is no doubt that when I was applying to college, a myriad of people helped me through the process and pushed me foward. But I believe the one person that probably encouraged me the most is a person that has been absent from my entire life, my father.

Although, God has blessed me with a hardworking mother and an amazing family, the absence of my father in my life has pushed foward in several occasions. No, not because I have something to prove to him, or anyone else for that matter, but to myself.

Throughout the college application process it was easy for me to feel discouraged at times and unwilling to continue. But the thought of wanting to achieve something better for myself and my family pushed me through. I held this mindset throughout the rest of my high school career and still have it here in college.

I am striving to be the best I can be because I want to prove to myself that I am a stong-willed individual, capable of succeeding in life, no matter the obstacles. And so I am very thankful to have the family that I do, even if we are not perfect and bicker at times, they are a fountain of support and have played a large role in my desires to achieve my own greater good.

Hence, sometimes absence makes a much bigger impact than presence. But no matter what your situation is, you should always remember that college and the college application process is something that countless students go through, and its all in hopes of a better future! =)

All the best,
