
For some juniors and seniors this might the time you are starting to, if not have already started, to generate a list of the schools where you will apply to. Now that you have this list and have ranked the schools you are interested in, you want to make sure that you are investing in the right place for you.

A really good way to know if you can see yourself at a school is by going on Fly- ins. Some colleges offer students the opportunity to visit their campus if the student meets their application requirements. Applications can ask for and consider a students’ GPA, Transcript, Class Rank, Letter or Letters of Recommendation, and Essay among other things. You want to look into each school’s specific criteria in order to gather those materials.

If you have no clue where to start, but already have the list of schools where you will consider applying, go to a college counselor for guidance. Then call the school to ask about upcoming Fly-in opportunities and their deadlines. They should be able to guide you to where and how to submit an application. Like all things in life, make sure to pay attention to their deadlines, so you do not miss out on an opportunity to visit your potential school.

Your Friend,

Abraham Vicuna