Hi guys! How are you doing? I hope everything is well and that you are ready to spend time with family and friends these remaining holidays! I hope you guys are able to take some time to reflect upon your accomplishments and your future goals for 2015!!!

Before the year ends, I do want to speak to you a little bit about my first semester as a Sophomore in college!

In a few words… A M A Z I N G!

I definitely felt much more comfortable as a Sophomore knowing where things were located, how important communication was between students and professors, how often I needed to check my e-mail and the university’s website for homework, and most importantly, how much effort it will all require.

This semester was definitely a challenge for me because I had to get rid of bad habits!!! (Not reading and not being organized). Although I still have issues with both of these habits, I am much better at reading and managing time. I also had to make a lot of sacrifices this semester! Some of them involved not attending church as often as I usually would to do homework, staying up late doing homework, staying on campus until late to complete work, sleeping on campus to finish work, going to tutoring to understand important concepts in Math, and asking for help when I needed it the most. These were things that I did not do last semester, but now that I applied it all, I can definitely say that it was all worth it!

In regards to finals, I only had four, two on Monday (Math and Biology), and two on Tuesday (Econ and Foundations of Education). By Wednesday I was already on my Winter break, and I could not have been any happier. However, it took a lot of me to study for finals.

For Math: I had two Test Reviews to complete, one with 133 question and the other with 63. The hook to each was that if I had a 90{53c6eff5ce19621f7316832cfedf08caab022021f1679c62c3f44b8900ceaf72} or above, I would get 100{53c6eff5ce19621f7316832cfedf08caab022021f1679c62c3f44b8900ceaf72} in substitution for my lowest in-class quiz grade in Math, thus, I could get TWO low in-class quiz grades substituted. Therefore, I decided to do both. It took me 10 hours 49 mins to complete both of them and in each I got above a 90 😉 . In regards to the final itself, it was a little challenging, but I am sure I will get above an 80{53c6eff5ce19621f7316832cfedf08caab022021f1679c62c3f44b8900ceaf72}.

For Bio: Since I took so much time studying for Math, I did not have much time to study. I  just went over my notes, a previous exam, and some multiple choice questions that I had previously used to study for another test. The final had easy questions, but some of them I could not remember, thus I am not expecting such a good grade in the test. However, I am sure I will earn a B in the class.

For Econ: I had a take home final. I was allowed to use all the readings that we used in the course to answer each question. Now, you might say that, that is easy, but is really not! At least not for Econ; wording really matters and statistics need to be exact (based on the data that was presented to us). Now, this class was very challenging and the final test was my only opportunity to earn a good grade. Thus, I took it very seriously. Thank God we were given a week to complete it and we could spend as much time as we needed on the exam. It took me a day, 2 hours to complete it and I earned an 82.50, which was not bad compared to how rigorous the material was.

For Foundations of Education: I really didn’t have to study. It was a take home final and open book, so it didn’t require much. I also remembered some of the discussions that we had in class so I was not concerned about having wrong answers. In addition, I only had 6 questions and I think I answered pretty well.

I have not yet received the overall grades for my classes, except for Econ, but if everything goes well, I should make it to the Dean’s List this semester! Pretty exciting!

… You know, I feel very thankful with God first and foremost for allowing me to finish another semester and giving me the strength to get through it. But, I also feel very proud of myself and of the work that I did because it was not easy!!! I still need to improve a lot more, but I  am sure I will.

Now, I encourage you to put effort into your work and to always aim to accomplish your goals. At the end of the day, BELIEVE ME,  you will feel pleased, proud, and definitely much of a success! Wish you the best!


