rodney-85The first thing that comes to mind when I think of college is the freedom: The chance to make my own decisions, the opportunity to decide what I will do with my time, where I will go, and how long I will stay out. In college I will make my first steps into adulthood and I am excited to take advantage of the independence that it offers.

Although I am eager to cross over into adulthood, I am also equally nervous. Unlike high school where there are a set number of classes each day, in college you have a few classes a week with hours between each class. This gives me plenty of time to exercise my autonomy and do what I please, but it is up to me to spend my time wisely. I must find a balance between my academic and social life. It is very easy to lose focus and end up getting kicked out of college. Since I am the first in my family to go to college I want to make my mother proud and set a good example for my younger sisters. The thought of having too much freedom scares me since I have not been exposed to that much free time and can only hope that I will adjust quickly.

College comes with independence that I crave, but with more privileges comes greater responsibility. As a young adult I am now in full control of my life and therefore the only one to blame for my actions. Any mistakes I make will be on me, not my parents, so I must learn how to manage my time and make smart decisions in order to be a successful college student. I am now the driver on my road to success, the sculptor of my future. I am excited to embark on my college endeavor and look forward to managing the independence that comes with it. Adulthood here I come!