After quite an eventful and relaxing summer, my sophomore year has finally started! Classes have come back into session and so many familiar and some not so familiar faces have crossed my path. I’ve gathered all my textbooks and organized my backpack with a variety of supplies as well as a few snacks!

But before all the classes and the like was Move-In Day! Last year as a first-year student, this day fell on a Saturday. I was met in front of my dorm by a team of enthusiastic upperclassmen eager to help me with moving in. It was a breeze; I barely lifted a finger! This year, the story goes a little differently.

I arrived in front of my dorm on a calm and cool Sunday morning. I didn’t see any upper class volunteers until I hiked down to the welcome tables in the lobby. I was checked in, given a cup full of fliers, lent a dolly, and sent on my way. This time it was up to my mother, grandmother, and I to get me all settled in.

Although it was quite different this year, I really did enjoy my sophomore move-in experience. I feel as if that experience speaks volumes to how the rest of sophomore year will be compared to my freshman year. I’m sure I’ll be expected to be a little more independent and to make things happen for myself. My hand was held quite a lot freshman year so now I am confident that I know the ropes and can handle being on my own a bit more.

I welcome the challenge, rigor, and independence of sophomore year! I hope that you are blessed and prosperous this academic year!