I got …

“Did you get in?” .. “Oh, I’m sorry.” .. “What’s your second choice?” Throughout the whole college app process I tried not to have play favorites. From the beginning I noticed I was thinking a bit differently than most...

Madness of March

As March comes to a close, there numerous things going on. My break was not a very pleasant one as I was not fully able to enjoy it; I got sick on Sunday and didn’t feel better until Thursday. However, being in college means you can’t just wait it out, you...

Dial "M" for March and Midterms

I wish March would mean rejuvenation, that used to be in high school, but March, in college, is the pinnacle of workload. Levels of stress increase along with the temperature. Not only are classes and other commitments stressing you out, but also the thoughts of...


Hello Students, My name is Dave and I have just survived my second term here at Dartmouth! Dartmouth is broken up into three terms or the “trimester” and each term is ten weeks long. This is different from my peers who are on the normal quarter system....

You Aren’t Thinking if You Aren’t Writing: How to Formulate a Good Idea

We are all too familiar with that blinking cursor in an empty word document. There is honestly not a worst sight in the world. The blinking is almost mocking you-a constant reminder that you are devoid of any intelligent or creative ideas. Ideas. So much of college is...

March Madness

Whenever someone asks about my schedule or what I do with my free time, the first thing that pops into my mind is to say that I have no free time but that there’s a method to the madness. My sophomore year has in many ways been my busiest year at Boston College, yet...