One More Semester, with Feeling

It’s been three semesters and I still don’t know how to “do college” right. I attended an amazing summer program that prepares inner-city students for college-level work and professional networking for two consecutive summers before college, yet there are still trap...

New Year, New Semester

2017 has finally arrived. It’s hard to believe, time seems to be flying by so quickly (during the semester, however, it seems to drag on and on). I’ve had a nice, relaxing winter break. I spent time with my significant other’s family and am going to...

Goal setting for a new year

Happy New Year Friends! Feels great to have a break to be able to re energize for a new semester and a new year. I am excited to start this upcoming semester because I hope to do more work that is relevant to my career path. I will also be taking on a little more of a...

Chin up, Buttercups!

New Year’s Day has come and gone, and I am getting ready to enter my last semester of college. I’m graduating in May. There, I said it. Therefore, it must be true. Even though it totally doesn’t feel like it’s true. This chapter of my life is coming to a close and I’m...

Thanks to you

It’s been two years thus far. It’s now my third, and couldn’t be more blessed to be in this position. Only one year left to go! As a first generation college student, I am beating the odds. However, what has made my college experience a bit different...