Radical Balancing

Man has it been a while since my last post (like an entire semester).  I can’t believe I’m still a functioning human being.  Oddly enough, my first Junior semester in college has reflected my first Junior semester in high school, extremely challenging and...

Do all first generation college students value education and hard work?

Today as I was walking on campus I came across one of my friends who is also a first generation college student. My friend is a junior and I am a senior. It just happens to be that today there was a planning conference going on for sophomores to help them plan the...

Studying Abroad in Rio de Janeiro

This spring semester I won’t be in California for school. Instead, I’ll be studying in Rio de Janeiro. I boarded my plane a day after it starting snowing in Chicago and arrived in a jungle. There’s so much green here. The weather waters my skin every...

Plan Your Summers and Other Aspirations in Advance

It’s funny how you need to start planning your next summer from one year in advance. High school used to be different, at least for me. So this past winter break, I spent most of the time planning what I wanted to do this upcoming summer as well as other future...

The Phenomenon of Scromping

Scromp (v) – succumbing oneself to the act of devouring I know, I know. Scromp isn’t actually a real word. But growing up, my friends and I used it constantly. We didn’t even have to explain it to each other. The way you emphasize the word—by really adding texture to...

Work Hard, Play Hard

 Happy New Year everyone! It’s that time of the year again where life takes a whole new fresh start. Well at least, we want it to. There are several new year resolutions and goals we want to achieve, however we should take it one step at a time. That is why, I...