by Dave Lacroix, Dartmouth College , '19
Just made it past the first term of my third year. It is crazy how fast time passes. As I reflect on the time that has passed, I am grateful for all of my experiences but at the same time I am looking forward to the future. So far, completing this engineering degree...
by Santiago Montoya, Brandeis University , '19
Another semester has come and gone. I have finalized my fifth semester and I will not be physically on campus until August 2018. This has been another difficult, but also rewarding semester—one in which I keep learning about myself, where I push my limits, one in...
by Abraham Vicuna, University of Houston
Imagine you are finally admitted to the school of your choice. Finally all the hours you spent preparing for the SAT/ ACT, writing essays, filling out college applications, studying to earn decent grades. Finally all that time has paid off because you got admitted to...
by Gina Bolanos, University of Rochester, '18
It’s been almost four years. Wow has time passed! In just five months, I’ll be walking the stage with my diploma and I still can’t believe it. Yet, this academic and personal journey wasn’t easy. To put it into perspective, I traveled 1,400 miles away from home to...
by Xavier Husser, Boston College, '18
During the Thanksgiving break I started to reflect on my academic career now that I’m in my senior year of college and personal journey to get where I am now. One of the challenges of being a low income first generation college student is that we’ve been used to...
by Andrea Haerther, University of Houston, '19
The end of the semester is FINALLY here! I am so excited. The only down side is that this is typically about the time of the year I also get sick so I am dealing with that. Luckily though, my final tests aren’t too bad this semester so I’m just knocking...