Are you working this summer?

In between preparing for finals, I have been actively searching for jobs outside of campus. I also have to be thinking how I will be spending my summer. The main take that I have learned from going through this is to always have a plan. This has helped me set goals...

What I Wish I Knew As an Incoming Student

  Now that graduation is less than a month away, I’ve often be thinking back on my college experience and have evaluated my actual experiences to the perceptions I had in high school of college. One of the areas I have been thinking about is the academic rigor...

Idleness in March: Spring Break Edition

I spent my Spring Break last month going back home to New York City and hanging out with my family. While some of my peers went on trips to Cancun or to Europe, I decided that it would be best for me to return home seeing how I’ll be spending a lot time working for...

Lessons from a Student Studying Abroad

The second act of the spring semester of junior year has reached climaxes on more than one occasion. I keep saying it, but it is true, the amount of milestones that are happening, one after the other, is simply remarkable. So much self-growth. Not that academics do...

Spring Time Arrival

The cold weather has been ushered out making way for the lovely spring time weather! Though here in Houston it’s been pretty erratic. It goes from cold to hot, windy to raining, etc. With that, there’s only two more weeks of school and I cannot wait for...

A Step Forward Into Adulthood: The Idea of Living in Off-Campus Housing

Expect the unexpected. Every year, around this time, we have something called “housing lottery,” which essentially allows us to have preference on the times we can choose housing for the following school year. This year, me and my four other friends happen to be just...