Time Management

Time management is something that many of us college students face daily. Often times I’ve gotten so busy throughout the week and my mind has slipped on an assignment I was supposed to do, or I remember last minute and it doesn’t allow me to put 100% effort into my...

Freedom is Free–the Rest is Scheduled

As a junior, my life just got real. It hit me once I hit the momentous third year just how much my present actions will directly impact my future, and how much the latter depends on the former. It’s a little scary—and because of that, I felt like I had to do...

Procrastination… Procrastination

What is my number one challenge in college? Well seeing as this blog is due by the end of the day you can see how it might be procrastination. Now don’t get me wrong, I am all about getting my homework done and over with so I don’t have to worry about it;...

Becoming Accustomed

It’s my sophomore year and I couldn’t have imagined that things could change so fast while being in college. I know all the buildings like the back of my hand, when and where events typically will be held, the short cuts to the residence halls and to the...

When I was in high school the thing I was excited for the most in college was freedom. No one to tell me what to do all the time, what I had to eat, or where I had to be. I learned very quickly that freedom is not all it’s imagined to be. With freedom you also...

How a Simple Conversation Changed Everything

Entering my first year of college, I was dead set on being a political science and music double major. I figured putting my two favorite things in high school together would ultimately be the best idea.  When I received my schedule for my first semester, however, I...