by Andrea Haerther, University of Houston, '19
As the semester comes to a close, I wanted to take some time to discuss some of the things I’ve had going on. It has been a difficult year as I’ve had some health issues that have permitted me from putting my all into my schoolwork. I’ve spent the...
by Santiago Montoya, Brandeis University , '19
The semester is coming to an end and unlike any other semester, it is moving fast. I am not sure how I feel about that. In part, I love being in school with all of my friends, but also I am feeling that academics are being a bit too much. Yet the fact that I am only...
by Megan Cooke, Whitman College, '19
How happy am I to be a senior. Ya, that’s not a question. The main reason is: class registration is a breeze compared to my early years! I just finished my last round of pre-registration before graduation. I got a good time, a solid layout, Whitman...
by Megan Cooke, Whitman College, '19
Hey all, Recently, I gained a lot more on-campus federal work study jobs that, together, give me pretty good hours for a week. I am currently working 3 jobs: Whitman’s theater house manager, Whitman’s gym desk worker, and Whitman’s recycling program...