by Adiba Hussain, Barnard College, '23
In one of my other blog posts, I mentioned my post-midterms slump. For a lot of my friends and I, once midterms were over, I felt extremely burnt out and I lost a lot of motivation to put my all into the rest of the semester. I came into the semester knowing it was...
by Adiba Hussain, Barnard College, '23
If you know me, you know that I hate exams. Even the word itself sounds extremely intimidating. Add another level like the fact that you are taking an exam in college, it is no wonder that so many colleges romanticize stress culture as if it is a competition on who is...
by LJ Pasion, University of San Diego, 2024
When I think back to November of last year, I can’t help but laugh. During this tumultuous time of college applications, I remember feeling a variety of emotions. Overwhelmed with the whole college application process; frustrated with my essays; and worried that I...
by Vanessa Bazile, UMass Lowell, '23
College can be a lonely journey sometimes. As a freshman, it is very easy to become overwhelmed by everything around you. The new people, the organizations, and the pressure to keep acceptable grades while also maintaining some sort of social presence. However, you...