Big Brother

Growing up there was always that one person who was with me through everything and that was my big brother. When it came to me growing up and going to college that did not change.  My brother was there every step of the way. He helped me sort through all the...

The Big V — The College Visit

College visits can be exciting, nervewracking , scary, and crazy all at the same time, and it is not one of those things that gets easier with time. Before your visit, contact your admissions counselor and discuss what you specifically want to see and ask about other...

“Free” Education- But You’ll have some ‘Splainin’ to do!

Can YOU afford a $200,000 education? You, whose parents are on TANF, who helps your parents by working a full-time job, in addition to school? You should probably go to your state school, it only costs $20,000, 1/10 the price of a fancy-smhancy private school, like...

THE Interview

I didn’t have any in-person interviews.. all the schools I applied to were too far away. But I did have some over the phone interviews and here are a few tips: Don’t Stress: I know how important an interview is, but if you start to get stressed and...

Interviews go well when you're you

Interview time! Whether you already had them or still got some late ones, this is often the last step in the application process, aren’t you relieved? Some tips though- I know you have heard this before, but be yourself! Of course, you want to get cleaned up and dress...


Let’s face it, the thought of sitting down and having a one-on-one conversation with an admissions officer or alumni of a college you have applied to can be very  intimidating, but it’s also one of your only chances to truly separate yourself from a whole...