Completing the CSS Profile

Did you know to receive financial aid, depending on what schools you apply to, completing the FAFSA isn’t the only thing you need to do? Don’t freak out but the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE is another financial aid form you may need to fill out. Depending if...

Undocumented Students and Financial Aid

If you’re an undocumented student, you’re probably not very optimistic about being able to receive money to attend college. However, all hope isn’t lost! Even if you’re undocumented, there are still options to receiving funding to attend...

Are You Independent or Dependent? That Is The Question!

As you’re completing your FAFSA, you’ll come to a question asking if you are dependent or independent. And you’re probably thinking “Well, I have a part-time job and I pay for my cellphone bill and Netflix subscription each month. Heck yeah,...

Understanding the 2 Types of Financial Aid

There’s a lot that goes in to understanding the different types of financial aid. Below you’ll find a great article by Nerd Wallet about the 2 types of financial aid you can receive! This article was originally published on Nerd Wallet on Nov. 24, 2015....

Essential Documents Needed to Complete Your FAFSA

October 1st has arrive and it’s time to start completing your FAFSA! To make sure you’re prepared, we’ve provided a checklist of important documents (from you and your parents) needed to complete your FAFSA. Take some time during your holiday break...

FSA ID Replaces the FAFSA PIN

The FSA ID is essential to you if you’re planning to apply for financial aid. Here’s a great article by Nerd Wallet with more deets on the FSA ID! This article was originally published on Nerd Wallet on Dec. 14, 2015. By Kelsey Sheehy The FAFSA PIN is...