This article is published in the 2017 I’m First Guide to College


Visiting a college campus is definitely the best way to determine if a school is going to be a good fit for you or not. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t consider schools that you can’t physically visit. Here are some other ways to get to know a school a little better.

1. Go Online

Visit the college’s website (and look for them on Facebook, Twitter, etc.!). Spend an hour or two browsing the website contents. Most colleges have a lot of material online for interested students. Here’s some things to look for:

• Virtual tours that show you around the campus

• Information about campus life, such as organizations and clubs, past and upcoming events, and student support and resources offered.

• Links to student blogs and newspapers, which can tell you a lot about what’s happening on campus and the kind of students that attend the school.

• A sign up page for interested students to request brochures and more information.

2. Attend a College Fair

Visiting a college fair gives you a chance to meet with admissions officers and request more information from schools that interest you. Come prepared with questions to ask about the school, and take down the admissions officer’s contact information in case you think of more questions later.

3. Speak with Students and Alumni

If you can’t visit a school, speaking with alumni and current students might be the next best thing. Make sure you get as many opinions and perspectives as possible. Some colleges have student or alumni liaisons who will schedule a phone call with you to answer questions and talk about the school. Some may offer alumni interviews in your city. Yes, these interviews are primarily so the alumni officer can assess you, but they are also a great chance for you to ask questions.