Like many college students, I’ve developed an addiction, addiction to caffeine. Before college, I would just consume the sugary Dunkin coffee that was served to me when I ordered a vanilla iced coffee but since starting college, I have developed a full-fledged coffee order that’s my go-to wherever I am. It’s simply a vanilla/cinnamon latte with an extra shot of espresso to get me through the day. My absolute favorite spot on campus to get this drink is Fusion Brew. It’s our local boba tea/coffee place that serves the best coffee drinks ever! The environment is just so welcoming and has major coffeehouse vibes. My other favorite place on campus has to be the 6th floor of Milner Library. Mostly because it has an amazing view of campus but it also has our K-12 library, so every time I go I’m hit with a wave of nostalgia that makes it the perfect place to study. Balancing social life this semester has been difficult for sure. This semester I am taking a Developmental research class and am also conducting research at a clinic that’s located off campus. This means that those classes take up most of my time. I am also working a part-time job as a student manager for the Office of Admissions. Some nights I just need to hang out with my friends and some nights I just need to be alone for a while and watch a movie or relax. But you have to make sure that the people you have in your life aren’t feeling neglected while also not stretching yourself too thin. It’s a balance that takes time but typically what I like to do is make sure that at least one night a week I have time for myself to either watch a show I like or just get something to eat from a restaurant.