jenny-85You come to realize after you start packing your stuff…that you have a load of stuff that you deemed necessary but ended up sitting in the corner of your dorm room collecting dust. Oh yeah. Those trinkets from back home, for example, a bottle of colored sand with a note from my friend in it. Not the easiest thing to pack and bring back. It screams “FRAGILE!”

So, word of advice. Pack photos. They’re easier to transport instead of strings of paper cranes and glass bottles of paper stars. For those of you traveling far away? Constantly remind yourself that you’re going to have to pack ALL that stuff away, lug those boxes back from storage the next year, AND THEN unpack everything. I’m a pack rat. Not proud of it, but I had so much stuff to pack away, my back hurt. Not to mention my parents probably bought me enough toothpaste to last all four years…Be smart about the amount of stuff you have. If you’re anything like me, it’ll just accumulate over the years. Let’s not give ourselves back pains, yes?

For all you incoming freshmen, relax. Meeting new people is going to happen throughout life. No need to be nervous. As for names and faces? Having trouble remembering them? Well, half the time, they don’t remember yours either. Don’t feel too bad. I said hi and exchanged phone numbers with one girl, the next day, she forgot who I was. My school’s not even that big.

As for academics, if you struggle, that’s okay. If you struggle, you’re trying, growing, and learning. Struggle shows that you have the determination to keep going even though it’s hard. Don’t feel as if you’re inadequate or not smart because everyone else around you seems so smart. It may sound cliché, but really, everyone has their own strengths. You’ll find your way eventually.