darius-85Wow, it’s hard to believe that two months have gone by so quickly! Before I got here, all I could think about was how hard college was going to be. I had it made up in my mind that I was going to be pulling all nighters and that all my classes would be super hard… well, I was half right. The past week I’ve been staying up all night studying for midterms. I’ve had on average about 4 hours of sleep a night, I haven’t been eating all too well, and I’ve been feeling down about the recent loss of an old friend. All of this caused my body to shut down last night and I was rushed to the hospital. I think I’ve learned my lesson:

All nighters + No food = no bueno

I guess I was afraid of not fitting in. All of my friends here are really smart, and got the best grades in high-school. I’m not like that. I have to work extra hard to keep with everyone around me, and my grades in high school weren’t all that great. I probably should have spoken to a school psychologist about my friend, but I was so busy studying.

Don’t follow my example. College should be fun! Don’t let your fears get the best of you. I’ve realized that I fit in just fine, and that I didn’t need to over-work myself. If you have a problem, even a small one, go talk to someone. Most schools have on-campus counseling for students, and if yours doesn’t, talk to a friend. Sleep and food are important, without them you can’t function properly.

So what have we learned? 1) All nighters are NOT worth the stress. 2) Food is good. 3) Depression is serious, TALK to someone. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

until next time guyz!!

No bueno!!

No bueno!!