I have managed to pack everything into four boxes, type the last pages of my essay, correct and alphabetize the bibliography, send it to the professor, stuff in the remaining items into my suitcase, lock the door of, what is going to be someone else’s room, put the...
It's Spring Break, But Deadlines are Hunting Me
Spring break! Always the time to lay and relax, but the deadlines are approaching rapidly that I can barely have some time do so. So, I have always been a big believer that you can find the right balance for everything—and you can find the right balance when it comes...
The One in which I Stay
As you may know, we have or have had, as in the past, our spring break. For Brandeis is a weird timing, we have a spring break in February and then another one in April. Like I told you the last time, I was planning on going to Israel and I am back safe and content...
Decisions, Decisions: A Degree is Forever and it will Empower You All, Even Undocumented
As I enter my fourth semester at Brandeis, I realize how college is full of decisions—decisions that only you can make. Decisions about writing that paper a week in advance, a day before the deadline, or simply not do it at all. Decisions about your major(s) and/or...
Plan Your Summers and Other Aspirations in Advance
It’s funny how you need to start planning your next summer from one year in advance. High school used to be different, at least for me. So this past winter break, I spent most of the time planning what I wanted to do this upcoming summer as well as other future...
3rd Semester Down, College Can Still Be a Puzzle to Navigate
So I am writing this from the comfort of my house, now that finals have concluded. I could not help thinking something on my way back from this hard semester. Thriving does not always mean happy, but being perseverant. Aside from overloading myself with 5 courses, 3...
You Will Have Difficult Semesters. How to Deal with Them it's Important
I must be honest with all of you. It has not been the easiest semester thus far, yet if you look in retrospect, such hurdles want me to build my own character and wisdom. Since the semester started, it has been quite difficult to adjust to everything, all the changes...
My Beloved Peer Mentor–How I Miss Him
As I arrived to college, just as I was in the car with all my junk, I got a call from my assigned peer mentor. His name is Ashani. He greeted me, let me know where my key was, and then where my residence hall was. He is a special person and had an answer to most of my...
Why undocumented students should consider applying to private higher institutions?
I have always been afraid of failure. I guess all of us, or for the most part. I have re-told the story of how I re-applied to college, the first time was a complete fiasco, but it wasn’t because I had terrible grades, or recommendations, or any of that stuff. I just...
Sophomore Year: How to Remain Motivated?
Another semester, another move-in. So I moved in earlier than the rest of the students to Brandeis University. I am an orientation leader (OL) this year, and with other 100 students, began the intense four-day training to become an OL. It is a training that completely...