Joseph Dingman


These poor guys! Like greedy deprived creatures scarred by a former scarcity, they grasp at every chance for sex.  The judgmental one who makes nature and God his enemy, who refuses to fight for what isn't worth fighting for, searches in vain for something of value....

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The Senior Thesis

Thesis? I first heard of this strange abstraction during my first year of college.  In my second year, I met lonely seniors in the college library working on what sounded like an impossible project. When you are a second year in college, "thesis" still sounds terribly...

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Flash Cards!

Big Surprise: Finals time was stressful.  Couple that with the other assignments that have been looming at the end of the syllabus and everyone can tell you the time is overwhelming.  For a while though I thought I had it beat.  Every semester I get better at...

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Oxy Year II

Well, the semester is in full swing.  Here at Oxy, midterm season is within a week of reaching its peak.  A Thursday night in the library is evidence of so much.  My friends were riotously dancing at a school-sponsored concert (RA-RA-RIOT) several weeks back, and...

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Saturdays Around Erdman

Erdman is my dorm.  I wake up here every day with the utmost consistency.  Here's how it happened today: "BAng ! Bang !"  One fast rapping series of knuckle bumps from the bottom to the top and a "Joe!" from my friend later, and I had reached the other side of the...

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Dusty Roads and Rain Drops: Summer Is Here!

Well, summer is here and it has been more than a month since finals.  I probably say this in every blog post, but again, time has surprised me!   When in school, summer seems to be this far-off abstraction of freedom, sunshine, and fun.  While that is generally the...

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The End, El Finito

To those coming to college, The last 3 months of my life have been the most trying and difficult of my entire academic career.  Last summer I participated in M.S.I., an intense program at my college that lasted one month, and before this, that was my most intense...

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the home front

The month is Marching by and those decision letters are going to start trickling in.  Some will have good news, others will have disappointment.  Perhaps the best advice I can think of is the same I was told the first time on an airplane, "whatever is going to happen...

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