Darius Journigan

Two Steps Forward

"I can't wait to be out of this house!" Sound familiar?? Of course it does! I'm quite sure the majority of youth have had this thought on more than one occasion. I was so ready to move out that my idea of life "on my own" was jaded by the romanticized portrayal of...

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Back to the Drawing Board

It's almost funny how a couple of months can completely change the course of a life. I know it seems like a lifetime since I last posted, and so much has happened since then! As it turns out, I couldn't afford to stay at Marymount Manhattan College for another...

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Beware of All-Nighters!!

Wow, it's hard to believe that two months have gone by so quickly! Before I got here, all I could think about was how hard college was going to be. I had it made up in my mind that I was going to be pulling all nighters and that all my classes would be super hard......

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The Joys of College Life!

Wow, college is truly a series of fantastical events that you will never forget. I've only been here for a little over five weeks, but I've already made friends whom I know will last a lifetime! I'm getting involved on campus (I'm going to be treasurer for a theatre...

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Truth Be Told: Welcome Week

Wow, what can I say about going to college in New York? It's amazing! Such a wonderful experience and I've gotten to know some really amazing people! During welcome week I was bombarded on facebook and around campus about "welcome week parties"! Do not attend. These...

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