Miami, Cancun, LA, and Puerto Rico are just a couple of the many places most of my friends went to this past spring break. My spring break, on the other hand, was a little less traditional. This year, for the first time, Boston University hosted a study abroad trip to Cuba where students were able to study the culture, history, and politics. As most of you probably know, this is a very unique opportunity during a very revolutionary time period for a group of American students to visit Cuba. Although President Obama announced an effort to ease relations with the island this past December, traveling to Cuba is still no simple task. A few out of the many things I did over break include: speaking with a diplomat at the U.S. Interests Section, visiting art museums, receiving a lecture from a Cuban doctor, and interacting with the locals through excursions. This experience was incredibly eye-opening, and although I did not layout on a beach sipping pina coladas, I would not trade this life changing cultural excursion for anything. This trip is another example of taking advantage of what your school has to offer, and to especially dig deep into study abroad opportunities.



Danica Drezner