I am so sorry about the late blog! I have been unbelievably busy thissemester, both forĀ academic and non-academic reasons. I plan on submitting a video so you guys can see my campus. I just want to wait until it gets a little warmer. In the meantime, I wanted to talk about my internship that I have this semester.
I don’t know if I have mentioned it before, but I am interning at a non-profit organization working with the licensing of foster parents. I get to see the other side of the foster care system which is really beneficial for me to see all aspects so I know what I want to do with my degree (especially since I am getting ready to pick out the classes for my senior year!).
My school offers for us to do internships for credit, but I am not doing that this semester. While it is hard to juggle a full class load and an internship, I would regret not taking this internship. My advice to you is this, do an internship while you are in college, and if you can, do more than one. It is a great way to figure out what you want to do, and they look great on a resume and applications for graduate school. Most colleges have people that can connect you to internships, but don’t let that limit you. Your possibilities are endless!! Find something that you are interested in doing, and if you find out that you don’t like it, that is okay, that is what internships are for. That way when it comes time for you to get a real job, you will know what you want to do and that will keep you happy in the future!