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What to Expect After Graduation

OK, you’ve got your diploma, and your college ride is over—what to expect first on Planet Graduate?

Job one is to, well, find a job.

To do that you’ll need to write a great resume, prepare for job interviews, and start the job hunt.

That’s assuming you have an inkling of what you want to do for a career. But if you don’t—not an unusual situation for recent college grads—check out our article about exploring career paths.

To start your job-search campaign, attend job fairs and career seminars either in your hometown or on campus. Keep tabs on your college’s website—most have career sections that can point you to job leads.

It’s also a good idea to explore your college’s alumni center, which will offer career leads and career counseling. Even after you’ve graduated and you’re well off campus, your college can point you to alumni gatherings where you can network and ideally gather some career connections and job leads.

Of course, there are a slew of online job boards, many that cater to new college graduates, on which to fill out profiles and set up job searches.

And don’t forget that you’ll need to start paying back your student loans! Read up on payment options, consolidation and deferment right here.

Maybe staying in school for a graduate degree is a better option for you; here are a few things to consider before making the commitment for that advanced degree.

For another good Web-based workshop on what to expect after college graduation, visit Texas A&M’s Money Wise Aggie.

Exploring Careers After College Graduation

You’ve survived—and even thrived from—your undergraduate college experience.

Now it’s time to start on the path to your chosen career, where two paths lie in front of you. One is a direct path to a job, and the other one is an indirect path, via part-time work, more schooling, or an internship.

Read on for tips on where to start your search for your career path.

Building Your Resume

Now that college is in your rear-view mirror, your next pit stop is your computer—where your mission is to build the perfect resume.

Resumes are the “story of you,” and a good one can mean the difference between landing your dream job right out of college or missing out.

The keys to a resume that resonates with hiring managers? Emphasize the “Three C’s”—be concise, clear and compelling. Keep reading to find out more about the components that make for a great resume.

Tips For Perfecting the Job Interview

OK, you’ve got your diploma, have written a killer resume, and now your next stop is your job search—and a big part of that is to prepare for the perfect job interview.

Job interviews are a walking, talking resume, i.e., the “story of you.” Make no mistake, nailing an interview can mean the difference between landing your dream job out of college or missing out. No pressure, right?

The keys to an interview that resonates with hiring managers? Be prepared, be yourself and be confident—all of which are attributes that hiring managers look for when evaluating job candidates. Keep reading for more tips on how to prepare for job interviews.

Should You Go to Grad School?

When you don your cap and gown, and accept that undergraduate college diploma, you have an interesting—and potentially life-changing—decision to make.

Should you go straight into the workforce, or should you add some more luster to your resume and go to graduate school?

If it’s graduate school, you’ve opened up myriad other issues; mainly financial—and education—related ones that dictate where you’ll attend graduate school and what you will study. You will likely also need to prepare to take a rigorous standardized test, like the GRE (required for nearly all graduate programs), GMAT (for business school), MCAT (for medical school), or LSAT (for law school).

The key? Recognize that grad school is hard work, but it comes with potentially high rewards. Keep those two themes in balance and graduate school could really be for you. Keep reading to learn more about how to decide.

Pay Off Student Loans the Smart Way

Studies show that student loans may become the next economic “bubble” afflicting Americans. Especially younger Americans like you.

But some smart planning can negate or at least minimize the tall order of paying off your student loans. Whether it’s good budgeting, a smart consolidation strategy, or even deferring opportunities from Uncle Sam to better manage your student loan debt, these options are all in play.

You just have to know how to use them. Keep reading to find out how to stay on top of paying off your college loans.