shaun-85Hello, everyone! I have not posted anything very recently because last week was very chaotic and eventful for most of us here at Washington and Lee. W&L is well known for its strong Greek Life, and over 80{53c6eff5ce19621f7316832cfedf08caab022021f1679c62c3f44b8900ceaf72} of students join a fraternity or sorority during their time here. Although I was skeptical at first, being from the north where few university students rush and those who do fit into a neat stereotype, I could not be happier! Because so many students participate in Greek Life here, everyone can find a sorority that fits them. I have recently accepted a bid from Pi Beta Phi sorority and am looking forward to learning more about the sorority and getting closer to all of my new Pi Phi sisters! If any of you have the opportunity to rush in college, I would highly recommend doing so. It’s a great way to meet new people who share your interests and provide a wonderful support system.

Other than celebrating the end of rush week, I have been focused on my new classes, which include Macroeconomics, Art History (Renaissance to Present), Natural Disasters, and Introduction to Hispanic Literature. Though I was reluctant to take a science course (I am much more of a “humanities and languages” person), I needed to fulfill my requirement and I thought that it would be interesting to study geology and learn about natural hazards that affect people on an almost daily basis. So far, I have enjoyed my first few classes! One of the advantages of attending a liberal arts university is that I have the opportunity to take a few classes in subjects that do not go towards my major. You never know—you may decide to change your mind on your major based on a class you took to get rid of a requirement! It’s important to keep an open mind.

On that note, to all of you seniors who are anxiously awaiting acceptance letters, try and take a deep breath. If you applied to a wide range of schools, then you are definitely going to get into one, and of those that you applied to, the ones that accept you will be the best fit for you. It’s never a good idea to set your heart on one school—whether because of its location or ranking or if it is because people you know are going there—because college is MEANT to be an adventure. You will do wonderfully and lead a great four years wherever you are, so keep your chin up!

Good luck!