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Thursday, December 4th at 7pm EST

Join us for our monthly Twitter Office Hour. On the first Thursday of every month at 7:00pm EST, we’re inviting first-generation college students, those who aspire to be, and everyone who cares about first-gens to meet us on Twitter to ask questions and share answers on important topics using hashtag #FirstGenOfficeHour.

This month, we’ll continue our focus on preparing you for the college application process by discussing your college application essays and personal statements.

For high school students, this means learning about the best ways to make yourself stand out through your essays in the admissions process!


Our staff, first-gen student bloggers, first-generation college-bound students, their parents, counselors, college access providers, and mentors, and colleges.

This #FirstGenOfficeHour will be co-hosted by the following experts in essay writing:

1. Kim Lifton, WOW Writing Workshop: @WowWriting

2. Jocelyn Johnson, Story to College: @StoryToCollege

3. Gil Rogers, Chegg: @GilRogers

4. Eric Felix, Center for Urban Education at University of Southern California: @EriqFelix

5. Richard Daily, Soka University: @SokaAdmissions/@Mistersmiiles



December 4th, 2014, 7:00pm EST

How to Participate

On December 4th  at 7pm EST, log on to Twitter and follow @ImFirstGen and hashtag #FirstGenOfficeHour! To ask a question or share an answer, add #FirstGenOfficeHour to your tweet!

Q1. Why are essays and personal statements a major part of the college application process?

Q2. What are admissions officers looking for when reading my essay and personal statement?

Q3. I have no idea what I want to write about in my essay. What can I do to get some ideas of where to start?

Q4. What is the most common mistake you see students make when writing their personal statements and essays? How can they fix it?

Q5. What are the main steps students need to follow in creating a solid essay?

Q6. If I’m a #firstgen student, do I have to say that in my essay? Will that help or hurt my chances of being accepted?

Q7. A lot of times, students don’t believe they have a story worth telling. How can they change their mindset?

Q8. Will the tone of my essay affect how the person reading will think of me?

Q9. Should my essay just be a detailed way of listing my resume and activities list?

Q10. Once my essay is done, how many people should I have review it? How can I accept advice without changing my entire essay?

Share This! 

Follow @ImFirstGen and help us promote the Twitter Office Hour using the following sample tweets:

@ImFirstGen is hosting #FirstGenOfficeHour starting Thurs, Dec. 4th at 7pm EST! Be sure to join us!

Are you #firstgen and planning for college? Join @ImFirstGen on Thurs, Dec. 4th at 7pm EST for #FirstGenOfficeHour

#firstgen college student or care about them? Join @ImFirstGen on Thurs, Dec. 4th at 7pm EST for #FirstGenOfficeHour