by Alexa Yanar, Emory University
I applied for college around three years ago, in 2016. Looking back, the thing that sticks out the most to me is what I desperately wish I had done during my last years in high school. I honestly believe that more than half the battle goes into researching colleges...
by Padah Vang, Colorado College, '19
The sad truth is that I cannot always be there for my friends and families 100% of their time. It is true that I am one phone call away or simply right next door, but I may not always be available. I might just be napping, at work, in meetings, or away from my phone....
by Andrea Haerther, University of Houston, '19
As the semester comes to a close, I wanted to take some time to discuss some of the things I’ve had going on. It has been a difficult year as I’ve had some health issues that have permitted me from putting my all into my schoolwork. I’ve spent the...