by Brenda Angulo, Trinity Washington University , '17
Hi guys! How are you? I hope you’re doing well. If not, I hope you feel better after you read this. I just wanted to share with you a couple of suggestions to cope with life stresses. As high school or college students, we not only have academics going on, but...
by I'm First Administrator
This week, I’m First! and Strive for College hosted its 5th chat in a two month long series of YouTube Live Chats with College Partners. In these chats, colleges and universities discuss information about their schools, talk about the great programs available for...
by I'm First Administrator
This week, I’m First! and Strive for College hosted its 4th chat in a two month long series of YouTube Live Chats with College Partners. In these chats, colleges and universities discuss information about their schools, talk about the great programs available for...